Monday, July 30, 2018

Respondus Lockdown Browser & Respondus Monitor Updates

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor updates have been announced and there are plenty of chances to get up to speed before the semester starts. Watch the quick video below for updates on Monitor and peruse these Respondus webinars offered in August to orient faculty new to the products as well as update those who are veteran Respondus users.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Storytelling and Instructional Design

Dr. Northrup didn't know what he was going to do. His SIE's were dimming, his plate was already full to overflowing, and now he has to teach his ancient history course online. He already had trouble engaging students with the content in the physical classroom, and he had no idea how to begin designing an online course that would fully engage his students.

a decorative image of 18th century soldier in fantasy state floating in air

See what I did there? You can do it too! Don't overlook the value of storytelling in instructional design. Here's your introduction!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Comics in Coursework

Cartoon in comic style of Tess in office inviting contacts
I just discovered Pixton comic maker and I have to say, my head is spinning with ideas on how to use these in teaching and learning. Pixton comes at a cost, but it's a low one well worth considering either for your own coursework, or for your students to use in the production of learning activities and assessments. And it's just plain fun!

You can create avatars that are very customizable. This isn't like Second Life level of customization, but you could approximate most looks. Bodies can be posed, backgrounds and props can be added from libraries or uploaded (which I haven't tried yet). It's well worth exploring! Let us know if you do something interesting with Pixton and we'll showcase your work!

Additional Reading/Viewing

Why I Teach Comics in Higher Education (PDF file)

Monday, July 9, 2018

You are fluent in this language (and you didn't know it)

"Without realizing it, we're fluent in the language of pictures, says illustrator Christoph Niemann. In a charming talk packed with witty, whimsical drawings, Niemann takes us on a hilarious visual tour that shows how artists tap into our emotions and minds -- all without words."

Monday, July 2, 2018

Writing Effective Quiz Feedback

Canvas allows for feedback to be automatically given to students who answer specific questions both correctly and incorrectly. It's a bit more of a chore in the original design of the quiz or exam, but even template auto-feedback can stand to have some sensitivity and neutrality woven in to the response.

e-Learning Heroes highlight a quick five-tip list of best practice [5 min. read] for giving feedback to students on quizzes and exams.

And if you've got only four and a half minutes more to spare, check out this informative introduction to the wonders of formative assessment, which we love to talk about!