Thursday, January 24, 2019

What is the NGDLE?

Get used to seeing this acronym: NGDLE.

It stands for Next Generation Digital Learning Environment. Educause explains in 7 Things You Should Read About NGDLE:
NGDLE is an ecosystem of interconnected and flexible applications that support learning through five key domains: interoperability; personalization; analytics, advising, and learning assessment; collaboration; and accessibility and universal design.
Even if we're on the front end of teaching and learning and not actually building these learning networks ourselves, it behooves us to be part of the conversation about how they are designed and implemented and well-versed on how they work and impact teaching and learning.

Educause is hosting a webinar titled, "Sustainable Innovation + Faculty Choice + Student Centered Design = NGDLE" and it's free for any Educause member.* Even if you can't attend, you will receive the link afterward for viewing.  Did you miss the webinar? Watch it here!**

photo of students studying

*UAH is a member institution and its employees all qualify for no-cost attendance through our membership.
**If prompted to log in, use your UAH credentials. You can create a free account with an email associated with any school with membership in Educause.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

24 Stellar Sites for Free Stock Photography

You're going to want to bookmark this list of 24 Stellar Sites for Free Stock Photography (gleaned from The eLearning Coach)! My handful of favorite sites are on the list, and I'm so happy to now have additional sites to peruse, especially those specializing in vintage photos from the public domain or "quirky" photos with a twist. Each site operates slightly differently, so be sure to read the description for each site before clicking over.

Daisy with horned rim glasses in field of daisies
Gratisography features "quirky" photos that can be fun and engaging!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Year's Goodies from Connie Malamed, the e-Learning Coach

I have been following Connie Malamed on the Web and on social media. She calls herself "The e-Learning Coach" and I have to say—she's got it going on!

She started the New Year off with a decadent 110-link list to all sorts of goodies for the course developer working with digital tools and in an LMS.

Enjoy the PDF guide to e-learning resources, and check out the e-Learning Coach on social media and on her site on the World Wide Web (where you can subscribe to her email newsletter)! In addition to her website and social media presence, she hosts a podcast series and has published several books worth checking out.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019