Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Humanizing Your Course

Humanizing Your Course” has taken learner-centered teaching strategies to a new level. You can read the background and context here, as well as create your own bookmark to the infographic below.



Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning

I am going to cut straight to the chase, leave this here for your enjoyment, and encourage you to utilize your UAH Educause membership and get on those email discussion groups! 

Educause's The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning is absolutely required reading for anyone who is delivering courses or training online beyond the pandemic emergency measures we've experienced or may still yet as the pandemic drags on. Those faculty who complete the required QEPO (Quality Education Practices Online) program for course design and development often remark how relevant the elements of learning objectives, course alignment, formative assessment, and other aspects of their course development apply equally well and are just as successful if applied to on-ground or in hybrid models. 

If you'd like to discuss the design of your course regardless of its delivery modality, contact the Instructional Design team by emailing helpdesk@uah.edu SUBJECT: IDTeam with your inquiry. We'd be happy to meet with you one-on-one or design team workshops depending on your needs. 

[Welcome back, fellow Chargers! Have a great academic year!]

cartoon illustration of female with tools working between different computer screens