Tuesday, November 12, 2019

QEPO 2020: Come join the fun!

Interested in designing a course for online delivery but don't have much time to devote to the whole training and course development process?

Illustration cartoon of guy drawing on computer screen

Consider enrolling in QEPO 2020 before the deadlines are assigned, and we'll help you take your face-to-face, on-ground course to technology enhanced, hybrid (at least 51% online), and eventually completely online, on your schedule!

If you register for QEPO 2020, you may choose to take it all online or in hybrid options which offer face-to-face training and support in the FRC computer lab in completely customizable schedule that fits to yours! Faculty who attend group sessions are benefited by having staff members on-hand who can help you design an accessible course that can be taught in ANY modality from one semester to the next! Check out the QEPO 2020 program brochure for dates, details, and registration link.

Please join us!

Register, Learn & Develop, Preflight, Teach & Adjust, Final Review, & Continuous Improvement

Writing SMART Student Learning Outcomes

One of the most challenging tasks during the development of any curriculum is writing SMART learning objectives. (SMART being the acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timebound—a tall order!)

Check out the Learning Outcome Generator tool in this UCDavis online teaching course! (Thanks to Christy Stanley for the research!)

Learning taxonomy diagram including human dimension, integration, application, foundational knowledge, learning how to learn, caring, and significant learning

YES! Writing Assignment Samples

For those unfamiliar with YES! Magazine:
YES! Media is a nonprofit, independent publisher of solutions journalism. 
Through rigorous reporting on the positive ways communities are responding to social problems and insightful commentary that sparks constructive discourse, YES! Media inspires people to build a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world.
The publication is both ad-free and operates without a paywall, so all online content is open and free. They even produce educational content around some of the difficult topics it tackles editorially. I receive both the print version and email updates to online content. The Death Issue is a "Let's Talk About It" edition and includes stellar writing assignments around rather complex but highly relevant topics like:
  • Three Things That Matter Most
  • Border (In)Security
  • Feeding Ourselves, Feeding Our Revolution
  • Letters of Hope
  • Less Stuff, More Heart
  • Standing up for Our Neighbors
  • Gender Pronouns
  • Why Bother to Vote?
  • What We Fear
  • Your Sacred Place
  • Justice for All
  • Every Girl's Right
Each writing lesson includes access to a YES! article to introduce the topic and elicit responses, as well as writing prompts and samples of essays for inspiration.

Learn more about YES! Magazine and check out their discussion guides on other tough topics.

And don't miss the YES! National Student Writing Competition!

Road sign with arrow and words Assignment Writing

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Discussion boards lackluster?

According to Quality Matters,
Discussion forums are a significant part of online courses, but only 66% of respondents say that forums are engaging, highlighting an opportunity for improvement.           (Learning House, 2019)
Most of us have been there both as student and instructor. How do you ignite a cold discussion board so that it invites all attendees to not just participate, but genuinely and with authenticity?

A circle of people icons, each with its own unique speech bubble, also using icons like hearts and light bulbs

This discussion board grading rubric has proven helpful in multiple disciplines and academic fields. The benefits of this linear rubric are:
  • It invites timeliness, often lacking in traditional discussion assignments. Late participation makes engagement nearly impossible. The early bird gets the worm!
  • Even latecomers can score points, but they have to work for them. In order to add to the discussion, one has to have done the reading as well as processed all posts to date. There's lots of cognition built into that analytic process of determining what they can add or ask.
  • It's simple to understand and a breeze to use while grading.
  • It transforms a collection of traditional soliloquy or monologue-style discussion posts into interactive discussions more likely to prepare students for professional discussions around meetings or conferences. 
Feel to adapt or adopt as is! You can also find it in the UAH Canvas Commons, all ready for import into your course!

If you have questions about making your discussions more engaging, please send an email to helpdesk@uah.edu for assistance. Please specify if your course is on-ground, hybrid, or online for the most appropriate and fastest response.