Tuesday, November 2, 2021

DILEMMA: Course Video Release: All at once, or one at the time?

Well, what do you think? Based on the experiences of one Jim Davies, the TL;DR* answer to this question is that it doesn't make much difference in outcomes, and that posting your videos all at once is more convenient for YOU. 

Want the details on how he arrived at this conclusion? Check out his post on University Affairs with the research he conducted prior to publishing his own perspective. From my perspective as both a learner AND an instructor, I can vouch that early and ongoing access improves outcomes. Nontraditional learners are especially vulnerable to schedule conflicts and benefit from open access to any learning materials as early and often as possible.

*TL:DR is cyberspeak for "too long, didn't read" and is usually followed by a one or two line synopsis for other readers. 

cartoon illustration of one woman delivering a large lit up light bulb to another woman who looks confused
Why wait if learners benefit from early access?


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