Friday, January 28, 2022

Designing the New Normal: 4 E's with Ease!

“The pandemic has provided educators with unprecedented opportunities to explore blended learning and identify the practices and approaches that provide real and lasting value for students.” (Educause) 

Educause's Designing the New Normal addresses the emergent needs of learners as we cope with both trying to return to normal and realizing that it will never be the normal we remember from pre-pandemic years. It's a bit of a deep dive, but an easily digested quick read packed with tips and useful resources. 

Join ETLC staff weekly for open office hours with Instructional Designers and Academic Technology staff to discuss the new normal and what it means for you and your learners. Email (SUBJECT: ID Team /need link) to request the Zoom link for the sessions.

NOTE: UAH is an Educause member institution so you can create an account at Educause for free using your UAH email address. Let us know if you have any trouble accessing the special members-only content by emailing the ID Team at

Digital illustration of woman listening to headphones and a man holding a huge pallet to which her headphones are connected

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Brené Brown: Daring Classrooms

“When the ability to really be who we are becomes a realm of only the privileged, we have lost our capacity to create a school, a home, a country that we love. Period. …

You can create a culture of courage within a classroom that can be the only place a (learner) has to take the armor off his or her heart. The one thing that will kill it faster than anything else… is shame. …

Eight five percent of the men and women I have interviewed over the past fifteen years can remember a shaming incident at school that was so devastating that it forever changed the way they thought of themselves as learners. … Over 90% … can remember (an educator) who made them believe in their self worth when no one else did. … What does that mean?”

Thursday, January 13, 2022

6 Ways to Help Students Get Started This Semester

This super groovy infographic hits the highlights, but if you've got a quick three minutes for explanations and ideas, check out the real article

Infographic of 6 steps as described in article linked
Infographic compliments of