Thursday, April 21, 2022

Zoom Whiteboard is real and it's spectacular!

Have you heard? Zoom Whiteboard is here and it's available now! 

This tool isn't just for synchronous online collaboration. There are implications for teaching and learning as well as program and personal collaboration across all communication modalities from the classroom to the lecture hall to the board room in a way that blends the 'here and now' with the 'then and later' seamlessly and with tools we already use! Learn more.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Educause 2022 Horizon Report is here! | Teaching and Learning Edition

It's here! And it's pretty frank and to the point. In addition to debriefing us on how we did collectively through the pandemic (and the news is mixed), there are forecasts, key technologies and practices, scenarios, discussion of the implications of what we know (and think we know), and and expert panel from around the globe. Lots to digest! 

The page includes the downloadable report as well as a recorded webinar and other editions of the Horizon Report for those curious about past issues.

cartoon illustration of two people analyzing reports
Illustration from

UAH is a member institution of Educause and its employees can create a free account using their .edu email addresses for added member benefits.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

'Stunning Level of Disconnection' [Educause]

Sound familiar? You're not alone, nor are your learners unique in their fading from the screens and from your academic radar. Educause research shows that's there are tangible albeit immutable causes of these disconnections, and they have nothing to do with motivation, engagement, nor learner/instructor ability. But there are measures we can take to help. Here's the full scoop, with background on the research. 
Open-Source Illustration by

UAH is a member institution of Educause and its employees can create a free account using their .edu email addresses for added member benefits.