Tuesday, July 26, 2022

RESOURCE ALERT • Every Learner, Everywhere

Every Learner, Everywhere is a great community for any educator to join to stay current and get free resources and professional development:

Every Learner Everywhere advocates for equitable outcomes in U.S. higher education through advances in digital learning.

Our mission is to help institutions use new technology to innovate teaching and learning, with the ultimate goal of improving student outcomes for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students, poverty-affected students, and first-generation students.

Every Learner Everywhere is a network of twelve partner organizations with expertise in evaluating, implementing, scaling, and measuring the efficacy of education technologies, curriculum and course design strategies, teaching practices, and support services that personalize instruction for students in blended and online learning environments.

Our collaborative work to advance equity in higher education centers on the transformation of postsecondary teaching and learning. We build capacity in colleges and universities to improve student outcomes with digital learning through direct technical assistance, timely resources and toolkits, and ongoing analysis of institution practices and market trends.

Check out the Caring for Students Playbook which has six specific strategies anyone can apply today. 

Cartoon illustration of a diverse group of young people
Free custom graphics at Storyset.com


Monday, July 18, 2022

OER & digital content spike in popularity with faculty during pandemic

Not surprisingly, a huge wave of new fans of digital content (and specifically Open Educational Content or OER) rode across the national and global landscapes as necessitated by the pandemic, which is itself still causing waves of disruption to daily lives even over two years after it began. Learn more at Inside Higher Ed.

Instructors’ awareness and use of open educational resources and their recognition of the efficacy of digital texts rose sharply this year, an annual survey finds.

a photo of two young women sharing a computer screen


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Word of the Day: Intersectionality

Infographic alternative text

In academic contexts, recognizing intersectionality means accepting the multiplicity and nuanced layers of differences between your learners and colleagues even if they're not visible or recognizable. Many of us humans belong to multiple marginalized groups and have extra challenges on a daily basis. Offering unconditional positive regard and the benefit of the doubt goes a long way in achieving best outcomes for all stakeholders. Learn more about intersectional pedagogy.

Intersectional pedagogy asks educators to understand that identities and experiences compound on one another and to take those identities and experiences into consideration when developing curricula and in their teaching practices. (Every Learner, Everwhere)
Intersectionality Infographic
Photo Credit: http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2013/10/04/issues-vs-identities-whats-better-for-progressive-social-change/