Explore the links below but know that this tool will not immediately replace the current quiz features, and that it can be used (or not, as you wish) in any course, even in combination with the traditional quiz features within the same course once it has been released. Quizzes.Next is simply a new set of additional tools that support a wider variety of assessment strategies. Faculty will have plenty of time to explore the tools and decide which (if any) are right for you and your course, curriculum, and assessment style. After a long period of running both old and new tools in conjunction with one another, the old set of tools will eventually be phased out. But this process will allow for plenty of time for testing, feedback, improvements, and integration into courses assessments.
You can begin exploring Quizzes.Next with these links:
- Quizzes.Next Guide (Instructors, Students)
- Quizzes.Next User Group (Canvas hosted)
- Quizzes.Next FAQ
And here's a sneak preview from the Canvas folks when Quizzes.Next was introduced at the Instructure conference in 2016: