Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Screencast-o-Matic & Master Courses

Please check out this useful video for two reasons:

  • It's great advice. Please contact us for a Master Course if you are building a course for on-ground, hybrid, or online delivery. Even on-ground courses benefit from having a Master Course with all its content online. Not only will it help organize the course from one semester to the next, but you can maintain academic continuity with your classes in case of campus closure to emergencies like weather.
  • It's Screencast-o-Matic! This video was produced using a tool new to UAH and available for your use now at no cost to you nor your department! Contact Tess.Olten@uah.edu to find out how to gain access to our premier team license!

1 comment:

  1. The first frame of the video reads, Why and how to use your MC to develop your course in Canvas BUT IT DIDN'T. It said why (and there was also written word saying why and I don't need to be convinced but I do need to know HOW. Very frustrating.
